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  2. ActiveSG
  3. Merdeka Generation Package

Merdeka Generation Package

The ActiveSG Merdeka Generation Package is part of our efforts to help you stay active and feel healthy.

Here's what you can enjoy with the Merdeka Generation Package:


1. Gym & Pool Promotion

Facilities Rates
  6 Months 12 Months
Unlimited Gym Access $20 $30
Unlimited Pool Access $10 $20
Unlimited Gym & Pool Access $25 $40


2. Combat Age-Related Loss of Muscle (CALM) Package

Combat Age Related Loss of Muscle (CALM) package is suitable for seniors aged 60 and above. The whole package covers 8 weekly sessions (1 hour each). Sessions are currently conducted in English language only, with no translations provided.

The package consists of 3 elements:
A) Assessments (Handgrip strength, walking speed and muscle mass)
B) Exercises (Using resistance band provided on Week 1)
C) Domain Sharing (Move Better, Eat Better and Rest Better)

Outline of 8-week programme:
Week 1: Assessment @ Active Health Lab
Week 2 to 7: Exercise (weekly) & Domain Sharing (on alternate weeks) 
Week 8: Check-In @ Active Health Lab

Note: Week 2 to 7 sessions will be conducted virtually via Zoom.

Timeslots for Week 2 to 7 Zoom sessions are:

  • Monday 10.30am - 11.30am
  • Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 12pm - 1pm
  • Friday 10.45am - 11.45am
    (There are no sessions on Public Holidays) 


Cost of Package: $40 (10% discount for Seniors, 30% payable by ActiveSG Credits*)

Please ensure that you are able to commit to the 8-week programme, before booking your slot. No refund is allowed.

To sign up for the program, please click here

*Please note that you are required to setup your ActiveWallet PIN prior to the transaction in order to utilise your ActiveSG credits 


  • Who are the Merdeka Generation?
    They are Singapore Citizens born between 1 January 1950 to 31 December 1959. Permanent Residents are NOT part of this group.


  • Who can purchase the Merdeka Generation Gym & Pool Promotion?
    Singapore Citizens who are born in 1959 or earlier, and who are also verified ActiveSG members. (This will make them 59+ years or older on 1 July 2019.) Permanent Residents are not eligible.

  • How do I purchase?
    There are 2 ways to purchase:

    1. Via ActiveSG app
    Launch the app and tap on to ‘Buy Pass’.   

    2. Via Website. 
    Login to your ActiveSG account on members.myactivesg.com and select ‘Buy Scheme’ from the drop down menu on the top right corner.