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Lianne Mui's love for yoga

1. Yoga is known to be popular among women. What is it about Yoga that interests you?


I always feel very relaxed after a yoga session. Also, the best part about Yoga is that you can is you can do it anytime and anywhere, even at home!

2. How long have you been doing Yoga and what are some of the differences you notice about yourself after doing Yoga?

I’ve been practising yoga for about 2 years now and I try to go for a class at least once a week. I don’t feel body aches (from sitting in front of the computer all day) that often anymore. In fact, I feel really stiff when I skip a class or two.

3. Can a person still do Yoga if he/she is not a flexible person?

For sure. I am a very inflexible person myself but the more you practise, the better you become!

4. In your opinion, what is the most relaxing Yoga position?

Child’s pose. No doubt about that.

5. Can guys do Yoga as well? Why do you think men have some reservations about doing Yoga?

Definitely. Most of my instructors are male and they are really good at it! My instructor often says that some of the yoga poses help to release the joints and make us better athletes.

Men might have slight reservations about Yoga because the participants are predominantly female so they may feel a little out of place. But I think this mindset is slowly changing as I see more men taking up yoga classes. It’s a mens' sport as much as it's a ladies’ sport!

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