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Integrated Learning
Integrating movement into academic learning can work wonders in the classroom. Try having children form letters with their bodies, spell out words using various movements, or walk to form shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. Educators can also use song and dance to teach grammar or throwing and catching to reinforce addition and subtraction skills. While it may not be possible to integrate movement into every lesson, these activities are perfect for introducing new concepts or wrapping up a topic.
Check out the following examples of Integrated Learning:
Overarm Throw and Blend
- Aim and overarm throw the bean bags into the hula hoop.
- Blend and read words with “oa”.
How to Play:
- Children will take a bean bag and do an overarm throw onto the mah-jong paper.
- Children will then try to blend and read the words with “oa” where the bean bag landed.
Materials needed:
- Mah-jong paper with “oa” words
- Bean bags
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by The Schoolhouse by Busy Bees (Lakeside) for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Hopscotch and Share
- Participate in movement activities.
- Work and play cooperatively in a group.
- Share and talk about their drawings.
How to Play:
- Children will take turns to jump/hop forward onto the mats/hula hoops.
- Children will share their drawings confidently in front of their peers.
Materials needed:
- Hula hoops/mats
- Children’s drawings
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by The Schoolhouse by Busy Bees (Lakeside) for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Underarm Throw and Blend
- Aim and underarm throw the bean bags into the hula hoop.
- Blend and read words with sounds beginning with “gl”.
How to Play:
- Children will take the bean bag and do an underarm throw into the hoop.
- Children will then pick up the word card and try to blend and read the words with sounds beginning with “gl”.
Materials needed:
- Hula hoops
- Word cards
- Bean bags
Reference Materials:
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by The Schoolhouse by Busy Bees (Lakeside) for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Move and Count
- Count in 2s up to 20.
- Balance walks on a beam.
- Jump continuously.
How to Play:
- Children will find a partner and queue up in twos.
- Children will complete the obstacle course such as balance walk on a beam and jump over obstacles to reach the other side.
- Children will count in 2s as each pair reaches the other end.
Materials needed:
- Hula hoops
- Balancing beam
Reference Materials:
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by The Schoolhouse by Busy Bees (Lakeside) for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Shoot n Score
- Execute overarm throw (object control skills)
- Enhance counting skills
- Static balance
How to Play:
Tuning in: 15 star jumps
- Gather the children in a circle.
- Invite them to do 15 star jumps, counting in ascending order. They can also count in descending order or in multiples of 5.
- Demonstrate how to execute an overarm throw. It resembles a push, where the swinging arm goes upward and backward before releasing the ball into the air.
- In the circle, pick a player to call upon another friend. Player and his/her friend will jump and pretend to hi-5 each other from a distance.
Main activity: Shoot and score!
- Divide the children into two groups
- Have one group practise in a circle by taking turns to throw the ball to one another using overarm throw.
- Get the other group to practise their overarm throws using the E-Jet Basketball set. Encourage children to keep track of their score.
- After a time interval, swop the groups.
Closure: Star breathing
- Gather the children in a circle.
- Invite children to hold out one hand.
- Using the other hand, trace the side of the thumb while breathing in, and go over the other side of the thumb while breathing out.
- Repeat this step for all fingers and then the other hand.
- E-Jet Basketball Set
- Balls
Other Information:
Teachers to vary and modify accordingly e.g. Using different materials e.g. crushed paper balls, beanbags, increasing the distance between starting point and target
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by Little Footprints Preschool Pte Ltd @ Woodlands Blk 551, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Strike It!
- Execute underarm roll (object control skills)
- Strike a target with accuracy using underarm roll
- Enhance literacy skills by showing recognition of letters/sight words
- Static balance
How to Play:
Tuning in: Saucy Meatballs
- Place two boxes a distance away from the start line
- Divide children into two rows and get them to stand behind the start line with a ball each
- Children will ‘roll’ the ‘meatballs’ into the ‘freezer’ (boxes) before going back to the end of the line for the next player to roll and it will repeat until all children have a try.
Main activity: Bowling
- Set up the Little Tikes/WE Move Bowling Set
- Prepare sight words/letters/phonics cards to paste on the bowling pins
- Get children to take turns to practice their underarm rolling using the sets. Children will have to read out the cards on the pins that they have struck
Closure: Wet Spaghetti
- Stretch hands up to the sky
- Shake hands like they are wet spaghetti, followed by the legs
- Teacher can call out different body parts for children to shake
- Repeat this step for all fingers and then the other hand
- Early Years: Little Tikes Bowling Set and Oballs
- Preschool Years: WEMove Bowling Set and Balls
Other Information:
Teachers to vary and modify accordingly e.g. Explore underarm rolling at different levels (Standing, bending, squatting) while playing Saucy Meatballs, change pathways to ‘roll’ the ‘meatballs’ in e.g. zigzag, curved manner
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by Little Footprints Preschool Pte Ltd @ Woodlands Blk 551, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Soccer Savvy
- Execute kicking, shooting and ball control
- Count up according to the score
How to Play:
Tuning in
- Children to form a circle and stand in an upright position on one leg, reach back and pull the opposite foot up toward their bodies
- Count to 10 before releasing the leg
- Repeat on the other leg
- Repeat the above steps 3 times
Main activity
- Set up 2 goal sets
- Children to queue in 2 lines
- Children to kick the ball towards the goal and count the number of goals each group has scored
- The group with the higher score wins
- Restart the counting and play again
- Children to sit down with one leg straightened out and one leg folded in
- Children to bend their bodies and stretch their arms out to reach the straightened-out foot. Count to 10.
- Repeat with the other leg
- Children to straighten out both legs and stretch their arms out to touch both feet. Count to 10 and release.
- Folding Soccer Goal Set
- Sport Vests
Other Information:
Teachers to vary and modify accordingly e.g. Set the starting point with different distances from the goal (3 levels from near to far) to increase difficulty levels
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by Little Footprints Preschool Pte Ltd @ Woodlands Blk 551, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
Racket Race
- Execute forehand grip to serve a shuttle
- Identify a number as an odd or even number
How to Play:
Tuning in
- Children to bend their knees slightly, jump off the ground and land back onto the same place.
- Repeat and count to 10.
- Pretend to swim by moving their arms from front to back and count to 10. Then, move their arms from back to front and count to 10.
Main activity
- Lay out the number mat
- Children to queue in 2 lines
- Children to use a racket to serve the shuttle with an underarm in an upward direction
- Children will need to say out the number where the shuttle lands on and identify the number as odd or even
- The group with the most hit on the number wins
- Repeat the game
- Children to sit down with one leg straightened out and one leg folded in
- Children to bend their bodies and stretch their arms out to reach the straightened-out foot. Count to 10.
- Repeat with the other leg
- Children to straighten out both legs and stretch their arms out to touch both feet. Count to 10 and release.
- Number mat
- Badminton rackets
- Shuttlecock
Other Information:
Teachers to vary and modify accordingly e.g. Set the starting point with different distances from the goal (3 levels from near to far) to increase difficulty levels
*This content, including photos and videos, is provided and published with permission by Little Footprints Preschool Pte Ltd @ Woodlands Blk 551, for preschools’ general information and reference only.
To get preschoolers to do the following:
- Develop their fine and gross motor skills.
- Learn about numbers in a fun and exciting way.
How to Play:
- Preschooler will walk across the marking cones in a zig-zag manner.
- They will then try to balance while walking on the balance beams.
- After that, they will bend over on their hands and knees to crawl through the tunnel.
- Lastly, they will throw the bean bags or use the water squirter to shoot water towards the fire according to the number word/ numeral (1-5).
Materials Needed:
- Bean Bags/ Water squirter, Printed pictures of fire with numeral/number words, Tunnel, Balance beams, Marking cones and iPad
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots @ Bukit Panjang Blk 226.
To get preschoolers to do the following:
- Demonstrate control and coordination in fine motor tasks by putting on the attire of a gardener and carrying out the repotting activity.
- Learn about balance and stability through balancing a bean bag on top of their head while walking along the pathway.
- Understand and explore the different aspects of a gardener
- Gardener role - Planting, taking care of the plants and beautifying the environment
- Gardening tools - Shovel, rake, watering can & scissors
- Tasks of a gardener - Planting, watering, fertilising etc
How to Play:
- EC educator will Introduce the role, tasks, and tools of the gardener to the preschoolers.
- EC educator should share about the importance of the gardener's job to beautify the environment for everyone to appreciate and enjoy.
- Preschoolers will then start dressing up in the gardener attire.
- They will then walk along a marked pathway and take part in carrying out the task of repotting a plastic plant into the large trough by doing the following:
- a. Digging a hole
- b. Planting the plant
- c. Patting the soil
- d. Watering the plant
Materials Needed:
- Plastic potted plants, Watering can, rough gravel/pebbly soil, Gardening apron & gloves, Toy gardening tools/ sandcastle kit, Bean bags, large trough, A pair of rubber boots, Colourful foot-markers, Plastic sheet.
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots @ Bukit Panjang Blk 226.
To get preschoolers to do the following:
- Fine motor skills by slotting the letters in mail slots.
- Gross motor skills by manoeuvring through the simple obstacle course.
- Recognise and match number words to the corresponding number of dots on the mailbox.
How to Play:
- 1. Preschoolers will squat to pick postcard from the container, place it into their sling bag and walk across the marking cones in a zig-zag manner.
- 2. They will then jump from one hoop to another.
- 3. Upon reaching the letterboxes, they will insert the postcard into the corresponding dotted letterbox.
Materials Needed:
- Tissue boxes, Numeral postcards, Sling bag, Container, Marking cones, Hula hoop and iPad
Reference Materials:
EC educators can complement the activity with this mailman song here.
*This content is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots @ Bukit Panjang Blk 226.
To get preschoolers to do the following:
- Develop both fine and gross motor skills which affect their physical fitness, agility, and body coordination.
- Solve problems as they learn how to manoeuvre up, over, or through obstacles while exploring textures in their environment.
How to Play:
- Preschoolers will explore the obstacle course and the various textures in the environment.
Locomotor Skill:
- Jog around the cones in a zig-zag manner.
- Hopping from 1 foot-shaped marker to another.
- Walk with 1 foot in each hula hoop to get to the other side.
- Bending over to crawl on hands and knees through the rainbow tunnel to get to the other side.
Object Control:
- Apply overarm throw using the sponge ball/bean bag into the basket (play pretend hand grenades).
- Balance and walk across 2 balance beams and jump off to land on stable footing.
- Climb up onto the table and crawl across the table to get to the other side and slide down the sponge slope onto the water mat.
Materials Needed:
- Rainbow Tunnel (Smooth), Low Bench / Long Table, Hula Hoops, Colour Electrical Tapes, Cones, Rubber Foot-shaped Markers, Balance Beams, Basket, Sponge Ball / Bean Bag, Soft gym slope (soft), Soldier cap/helmet, Netting, Vines, Textured mats - Grass (rough) & water (wet)
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots @ Bukit Panjang Blk 226.
To get preschoolers to do the following:
- Bend and stretch different parts of the body to form letters of the alphabet with their partners.
- Explore the role of the teacher and the tools used by a teacher to teach.
- Familiarize with the alphabet; reciting, identifying, and producing the sounds of the individual letters.
How to Play:
- 1. Introduce some of the tools which a teacher uses to carry out a lesson to the preschoolers – whiteboard, marker, storybook & flashcards, or teaching aids.
- 2. Explain that teachers also teach language skills like the alphabet. Get the preschoolers to assist the EC Educator to help their friends learn or identify the letters of the alphabet by using their bodies to form various letters.
- 3. Get the preschoolers to explore forming various letters in the alphabet using different parts of their bodies.
Materials Needed:
- iPad, Whiteboard, Pointer, Alphabet Chart, A large storybook, Body Alphabet poster chart
Reference Materials:
EC educators can complement the activity with the poster chart and the teacher song here.
*This content is provided and published with permission by PCF Sparkletots @ Bukit Panjang Blk 226.
Fun with Hockey
To get preschoolers to do the following:
- Demonstrate control, coordination, and balance in gross motor tasks such as moving an object using a hockey stick from point A to point B
- Learn to vary their use of force (i.e., light, strong)
- Learn that items can be upcycled and repurposed
- Recognise the importance of using recycled materials
How to Play:
1. Warm Up
Get the preschoolers to:
- Swing both arms clockwise 5 times, then anti-clockwise 5 times.
- Stretch out their hands and turn their body to the left, stay for 5 seconds. Then turn to the right and stay for 5 seconds.
- Jog on the spot for 10 seconds then increase speed for another 10 seconds.
2. Main Activity
- Place 5 cones 5 feet apart from each other.
- Preschooler will use a floorball stick to push an empty recyclable tissue box from left to right, passing through each cone. The tissue box must not be pushed out of boundary or touch the cone.
- Task will be completed once the preschooler pushes the tissue box passed the 5 cones and touch the finishing line.
3. Cool Down
- Get the preschoolers to seat in a circle.
- Deep breathe in and out for 5 times, bend their knees and close their eyes for 10 seconds.
Materials Needed:
- 5 Cones
- Floorball sticks (one per preschooler)
- Tissue boxes
Reference Materials:
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
Sorting Recyclable Obstacle Course
To impart preschoolers with the following skills:
- To perform locomotor (i.e., walking, running, hopping) and non-locomotor skills
- To identify and sort the different types of recyclables i.e., plastic, metal, paper
- To move in different directions (i.e., forward, backward) and different pathways (i.e., straight, curved, zigzag)
How to Play:
1. Warm Up
Get the preschoolers to:
- Shoulder arm circles clockwise 5 times, anti-clockwise 5 times.
- Stretch out the hands and turn the body to the left, stay for 5 seconds. Then turn to the right and stay for 5 seconds.
- Walk on the spot for 10 seconds, gradually breaking into slow jog for 10 seconds then increase speed for another 10 seconds.
2. Main Activity
Divide preschoolers in groups of 4. Each preschooler will:
- Pick a recyclable item (i.e., yakult bottle, milk carton) placed in a box.
- Run in between 2 skipping ropes/ straight lines.
- Stop on a yellow line and then hop into 3 hula hoops.
- Walk on a balancing beam/ zig-zag line on the floor.
- Place the recyclable item into the correct box (i.e., Paper, plastic, metal).
- Run back to the starting line.
3. Cool Down
- Get the preschoolers to seat in a circle.
- Deep breathe in and out for 5 times, bend their knees and close their eyes for 10 seconds.
Materials Needed:
- Recyclable items (i.e., yakult bottles, milk cartons, newspapers)
- 3 boxes (Label them ‘plastic’, ‘metal’, ‘paper’)
- Hula hoops
- Skipping ropes / straight lines
- Balance beams / zig-zag lines
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
River Bank Jumps
To impart preschoolers with the following skills:
- To jump according to different height bands (low, medium & high) and over a distance
- To have personal and general spatial awareness
- To promote their sense of imagination by sharing the items they pick up while cleaning the river
How to Play:
1. Warm Up
Get the preschoolers to:
- Walk on the spot for 10 seconds before breaking into slow jog for another 10 seconds.
- Jump from one side of the imaginary line to the other with both feet together.
- Jump back and forth on one foot.
- Raise left knee in the air. Intensify by increasing the arms' movements, such as touching their hands or elbows.
2. Main Activity
- Get 2 preschoolers to stand on each end of the rubber band strapped against the back of their ankles.
- Get them to widen their legs to increase width of the band.
- Remaining preschoolers to line up perpendicular to the rubber band.
- One preschooler at a time, preschoolers lining up will then jump over the rubber bands without touching the band.
3. Cool Down
- Get the preschoolers to seat in a circle.
- Deep breathe in and out for 5 times, bend their knees and close their eyes for 10 seconds.
Materials Needed:
- Long rubber bands that can be stretched
Reference Materials
EC educators can consider increasing the difficulty by increasing/decreasing the width of the gap to challenge the children’s spatial awareness or placing the rubber band higher/ lower.
*This content is provided and published with permission by MOE Kindergarten @ Fernvale.
Jack and the Bean Stalk
1. Language & Literacy through storytelling
- Preschoolers will show understanding of the story by responding to questions and sharing about the characters and events.
- They will also sequence the events in the story (i.e. drawing/ arranging pictures in correct sequence).
2. Motor Skills Development - Locomotor Skills
- They will learn locomotor skills through participating in the obstacle course and movement activities.
How to Play:
- Preschoolers are divided into small groups to brainstorm and create different games for different parts of the story. Through the games, they will explore and apply different types of gross motor skills.
Materials Needed:
- Paper
- Pencils/Markers
- Colour pencils
- Obstacle Course (i.e., Hula hoops, Balls, Basketball net)
Reference Materials
*This content is provided and published with permission by E-Bridge Pre-School 178A Rivervale Crescent
If your preschool is keen to contribute your activity ideas and resources to this website, please reach out to us here.